I got up around 8 this morning after 9 hours of sleep. Down with alarm clocks! I don't even own one now, and I sleep until I get ready to get up. Sweet.
Wednesday is the morning for our men's breakfast club. So I joined the guys for breakfast and catching up on the week's news. Afterward, a few of us walked over to the American Library, just a couple of blocks away. And there, I read the paper and chatted with friends.
Around noon I left for my every-Wednesday massage. Yes, I know that's a luxury. But I sure enjoy it. It keeps me loose and moving and helps counteract the encroaching impact of arthritis. Besides, I like it.
I came home and changed clothes in time to walk down to the zocalo and meet two women friends for lunch. One of them, Holly, is returning back to the U.S. to go to grad school, so I took them out for a goodbye lunch. All three of us work as volunteers at the Estancia Infantil. We lunched at a place called Terranova upstairs looking out over the town square from our table on the balcony.
After saying our goodbyes, I had a 4 o'clock meeting with Sears who were going to deliver my refrigerator and microwave for new apartment (more about that later). Since it's an UNfurnished apartment, I sat on the floor for 2 hours waiting for our friends from Sears. They never showed or called. Since I had received a call from the delivery driver earlier in the day, I had his number. So I called him at 5:30. He told me, "Oh, you have to talk to the Delivery Center" and then transferred my call to a line that no one answered. That pissed me off. And....of course....they never arrived (or called). Gee, that's just like Sears in the U.S., isn't it? What's so hard about understanding the 4 p.m. on Wednesday means 4 p.m. on Wednesday....not 9 a.m. on Thursday or Friday, or whenever....?